OPEN CALL: Free Palestine / Ceasefire Now

Fam, while we’ve been struggling to find time and language for this call, the inimitable adrienne maree brown put out a series of dope prompts for writing and dreaming that do exactly what we’d been hoping to do. Have you written/will you, dear ones, write something in response to these calls and send it our way? Will you send us a song too, and a brief bio so we can credit you?

Rolling deadline.

adrienne maree brown’s prompts for Sunday writing/dreaming:

“I don’t know what the next American revolution is going to be like, but we might be able to imagine it if your imagination were rich enough.” Grace Lee Boggs

“Nothing happens in the ‘real’ world unless it first happens in the images in our heads.” Gloria Anzaldua

Imagine if everyone who has attended a march were to participate in a strategic general strike, refusing to work and using that time for bombastic direct actions that transform our grief into new standards.

Imagine if we applied the energy of all recent successful worker strikes on behalf of all peoples experiencing gen🫣cide supported/demanded by U.S. interests.

“A revolution that is based on the people exercising their creativity in the midst of devastation is one of the great historical contributions of humankind.” Grace Lee Boggs

Imagine if we decided en masse that the 66% of us (and rising) who want a ceasefire would be war tax resisters in 2024 and we committed now.

Imagine making our elected officials snap out of their political delusions and realize life as normal will not continue while they financially abuse their citizens into paying for gen🫣cide.

“There are two ways to worry words. One is hoping for the greatest possible beauty in what is created. The other is to tell the truth.” June Jordan

Imagine a functional democracy where elected officials represent their constituents or lose their jobs.

“If you knew a man was out of his mind, you restrained him. You didn’t give him power.” Octavia Butler

Imagine a multi-party system where evil (in speech, act, or investment) wasn’t the only viable option.

Imagine bringing U.S. society to a halt until we stopped exporting our violent vengeful and/or vigilante justice.

Imagine this portal of overwhelming grief making us realize never again has to be a practice, making us start anew so that gen🫣cide and w🫶🏽r are no longer acceptable, debatable human behaviors.

“When civilization fails to serve, it must disintegrate unless it is acted upon by unifying internal or external forces.” Octavia Butler

resources from @beautifultroublehq and @wartaxresister


Email a recording of your piece + a link to a song you want played after your recording, and short bio that tells people about you, including your pronouns.


Most folks record themselves on their smart phones (small-kind background noises—like chickens, birds, young folks running around—are just fine, but maybe try to avoid big noises—like doors slamming, dump trucks getting wheelies off potholes, etc). Please begin your recording by saying “This is [your name] and this is my [poem/short story/CNF piece] titled [title].” MP3s and MP4s welcome (and likely any other audio file you got is just fine). Email us if you’re not sure how to do this and we will help out!

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